Q3 2021 - Alternative Energy Market Update


August 10, 2021

GreenFront Energy’s market update provides a quarterly snapshot of market trends across the Alternative Energy (AE) landscape. Our intent is not to provide exhaustive research on each topic, but to distill a large amount of information into an organized, easily readable, reference document that enables our readers to stay up to speed on topics like M&A, Capital Markets, Project Development, ESG, and Corporate PPA Activity. We cover companies and activity across the AE value chain, with a focus on Wind, Solar, Storage, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS), Hydrogen, and Cleantech.

What’s new since our Q2’21 update?

  1. $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure legislation was passed by the Senate and is headed to House of Representatives,

  2. $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation process was released this week, which includes $198 billion proposed for the Clean Electricity Payment Program (CEPP), effectively creating a national clean energy standard, and;

  3. The much anticipated PJM capacity market auction underwhelmed with $50/MW-day clearing price well below expectations.

Enjoy our Q3’21 market update and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with questions, comments, or any feedback you have.

Read: Q3 2021 - Alternative Energy Market Update


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